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Abstract: The effects of mental fatigue on cognition control and the accompanying changes in autonomic nervous were assessed. Subjects performed a Flanker task for 1 h without rest, and were motivated to continue task for 20 minutes. Subjective levels of fatigue, performance measures and HRV were recorded. From the results, we found that subjects fatigue ratings increased,suggesting that the 1 h of task performance resulted in an increase in mental fatigue. Misses increased with time on task. Time domain measures of HRV and LF increased, while HF and LF/HF recovered to baseline with time on task. Time domain measures of HRV and HF increased, while LF decreased to baseline after motivated. Thus, we speculate that subjects with more sympathetic-and less parasympathetic-related modulation will be less capable of inhibiting responses because of mental fatigue, After motivated, parasympathetic-related modulation is hypoactive and as a result performance increase.

Key words: mental fatigue, cognitive control, motivation, peripheral physiological, Heart Rate Variability (HRV) 刘飞,蔡厚德.(2010). 情绪生理机制研究的外周与中枢神经系统整合模型. 心理科学进展, 18(4),616-622.
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