  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

张四海,男,生于 1974 2 月,计算机科学专业博士,IEEE高级会员,现任中国科学技术大学电子工程与信息科学系副教授,主要研究领域为无线网络、无线大数据、机器学习和智能算法等。主讲本科生课程《计算机程序设计》。出版专著一部,译著一部,教材一部。


2009 4 月至今,任教于中国科学技术大学电子工程与信息科学系。

2008 9 月~ 2009 3 月,任教于中国科学技术大学计算机科学系。

2007 8 月~ 2008 8 月,韩国 KAIST ,访问学者。

2002 9 月~ 2006 7 月,中国科学技术大学计算机科学专业博士研究生,获工学博士学位。

1999 9 月~ 2002 7 月,中国科学技术大学计算机科学专业硕士研究生,获工学硕士学位。

1996 7 月~ 1999 8 月,科大恒星计算机技术公司,程序员

1992 9 月~ 1996 7 月,中国海洋大学计算机技术专业,本科。


1 、自然科学基金重点项目子课题:基于无线通信大数据的无线通信理论与技术 - 无线通信大数据分析与典型场景验证平台及无线通信大数据的表征和分析(2017年-2021年);



4、科技部 863 子课题: 5G 移动通信技术评估与测试验证技术研究 - 异构无线网络的仿真方法、仿真环境及测试案例研究(2015年-2017年)

5、自然科学基金国际合作课题:面向 MTC 应用的 5G 超密集无线网络研究(2014年-2016年)



Kaixiang Yu, Zhenhao Chen , Sihai Zhang , , A Key Variable Detection Algorithm in Multivariate Manufacturing Process , Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, vol. 42,no 6, pp 98-104,December 2019.

Bilal Hussain , Qinghe Du , Sihai Zhang , Ali Imran, Muhammad Ali Imran , Mobile Edge Computing-Based Data-Driven Deep Learning Framework for Anomaly Detection , IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp 137656 - 137667, 19 September 2019.

Jinkang Zhu, Chen Gong , Sihai Zhang , Zhao Ming, Wuyang Zhou , Foundation Study on Wireless Big Data: Concept, Mining, Learning and Practices , China Communications, vol. 15,no 12, pp 1-15,December 2018.

Wen Wang, JinKang Zhu, Sihai Zhang , Wuyang Zhou, Tradeoff Between Compression Ratio and Decoding Delay of Distributed Source Coding for Uplink Transmissions in Machine-type Communication , International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 14(7), 2018.

Yanhuan Sun, Ming Zhao, Sihai Zhang , Jinkang Zhu, Wuyang Zhou, Shengli Zhou, Aggregation Transmission Scheme for Machine Type Communications , SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 60 (10), 100305, 2017.

Qian Lijun, Zhu Jinkang, Sihai Zhang , Survey of Wireless Big Data , Journal of Communications and Information Networks, 2(1), 1~18, 2017.

Q ingli Ma , Sihai Zhang , Wuyang Zhou, Shui Yu, Chonggang Wang, When Will You Have a New Mobiole Phone? An Empirical Answer From Big Data , IEEE Access, 4,10147~10157, 2016

Sihai Zhang , Dandan Yin, Yanqin Zhang, Wuyang Zhou, Computing on Base Station Behavior Using Erlang Measurement and Call Detail Record, IEEE Transactions on E merging Topics in Computing , 3(3), 444~453, 2015.

Ming Zhao, Jing Zhao, Wuyang Zhou, Jinkang Zhu, Sihai Zhang , Energy efficiency optimization in relay-assisted networks with energy harvesting relay constraints , China Communications, 12(2), 84~94, 2015.

Fei Yang, Meiyu Huang, Sihai Zhang , Wuyang Zhou, Performance Analysis on Two-Way Relay System with Co-Channel Interference , Wireless Personal Communications, 72, 435~436, 2013.

Zhikun Chen, Daofeng Li, Ming Zhao , Sihai Zhang , Jinkang Zhu, Semi-Federated Learning , IEEE WCNC 2020, Seoul, Korea.

Sihai Zhang , Junyao Guo, Tian Lan, Rui Sun, Jinkang Zhu, Real Entropy Can Also Predict Daily Voice Traffic for Wireless Network Users , IEEE WCNC 2020, Seoul, Korea.

Zhenkun Qiu, Sihai Zhang , Wuyang Zhou and Shui Yu, Empirical Study on Taxi’s Mobility Nature in Dense Urban Area ,IEEE INFOCOM DCPerf 2018,15-19 April 2018,Honolulu, HI,USA.

Lu Liu, Sihai Zhang , Wuyang Zhou , Mobility Predictability of College Students Via Full Lifecycle Campus Consuming Logs , 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), May 20~24 2018,  Kansas City, MO, USA.

Yanhuan Sun, Sihai Zhang , Jinkang Zhu, Wuyang Zhou, Zhen Wang , Big data aided aggregation coding multiple access for machine type communications , 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), May 21~25 2017,  Paris, France.

Yanqin Zhang, Wen Wang, Sihai Zhang , Dandan Fan, Baohua Kou, Wuyang Zhou , SVR based voice traffic prediction incorporating impact from neighboring cells , 2016 19th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), November 13 2016, Shenzhen, China.

Yanqin Zhang, Sihai Zhang , Wuyang Zhou, Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Erlang Measurement in Large-Scale GSM Cellular Networks , 2015 IEEE 81st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), May 11~14 2015, Glasgow, Scotland.



地址:安徽省合肥市中国科学技术大学西区电三楼216室, 230027

Email: shzhang@ustc.edu.cn

电话: 0551-63602944

个人主页: http://staff.ustc.edu.cn/~shzhang