Trams in Gdańsk is a public transit system in Gdańsk, Poland that has been in operation since 1873. The tramway is operated by Zakład Komunikacji Miejskiej sp. z o.o w Gdańsku. There are 11 lines with a total linelength of 116.7 kilometres (72.5 mi). The tram system in Gdańsk operates on 1,435 mm (4 ft 8½ in) standard gauge track.The route length of the tramway network is 52.2 kilometres (32.4 mi). The total track length is 100.2 kilometres (62.3 mi). The trams are powered using direct current at 600V.
格但斯克有轨电车系统是波兰格但斯克的一个从1873年开始运营的公共交通系统,由Zakład Komunikacji Miejskiej sp. z o.o w Gdańsku运营。共有11条线路,线路总长度为116.7公里,轨距为1,435 mm的标准轨距。格但斯克有轨电车网络的系统长度为52.2公里,轨道总长度为100.2公里,由600伏直流电提供动力。
Locale位置Gdańsk, Poland 波兰 格但斯克
Transit type
Number of lines
Began operation
Operator(s)运营者:ZKM Gdańsk
Number of vehicles
35x PESA Swing 120Na
5x PESA Jazz DUO 128NG
4x Alstom Citadis 100 NGd99
3x Bombardier NGT6-2-Gd
2x Konstal 114Na
30x Konstal 105Na
62x Düwag N8C
1x Konstal 105N
1x Konstal 102Na
1x Tw269 Ring
1x Konstal N
1x DWF Bergmann
1x Grums horse car
System length
km (32.4 mi)
Track gauge轨距:1,435 mm (4 ft8 1⁄2 in)
Network characteristics
The entire network is located within the administrative borders of the city of Gdańsk. The tracks are separated from road traffic at 85% of their length.Most of the network is double track. There are single track sections in the Brzeźno and Nowy Port districts functioning as balloon loops.
The tramway network primarily covers the Dolny Taras and Śródmieście, and also links Wyspa Portowa and Siedlce. In 2007, the network was expanded to Chełm, and in 2012, it was expanded to Łostowice and Orunia Górna via Ujeścisko. The western districts of the city are not connected to the tramway network.
整个网络位于格但斯克市的行政边界范围内,轨道长度的85%是与其他道路交通分离的,网络的大多数为双轨。Brzeźno和Nowy Port的单轨路段是作为转向回路使用的。网络主要覆盖Dolny Taras和Śródmieście,还连接Wyspa Portowa 和 Siedlce。2007年,网络延伸到Chełm,2012年,经过Ujeścisko延伸到Łostowice和Orunia Górna。市区的西部没有与有轨电车网络相连。
The majority of the lines are located on flat terrain; however, a notable exception is that the line to Chełm is the steepest tram line in Poland. Three tram loops (Jelitkowo, Brzeźno Plaża, and Stogi Plaża) and the Brzeźno terminus are located a few hundred meters from Gdańsk Bay; consequently, the lines experience a lot of tourist traffic.
线路的大多数位于平坦的地面;然而,一个突出的例外是:通往Chełm的线路是波兰最陡峭的有轨电车线路。三个有轨电车转向回路(Jelitkowo, Brzeźno广场和Stogi广场) 和终点站Brzeźno位于距离Gdańsk湾几百米处;线路因此有大量的旅游客流。
The tracks run mainly through urbanized areas. An exception to this is the line to Stogi, running through the Las Miejski (Polish for Urban woods). The lines to Chełm have some characteristics of fast trams.
The two depots for the trams are located by ulica Stwosza in Strzyży and by the street ulica Władysława IV in Nowy Port. The depots have a capacity of approximately 40% of all the trams.
轨道主要在市区穿行,通往Stogi的线路是个例外,整个线路穿过 Las Miejski(波兰语的“城市森林”)。通往Chełm的线路具有快速有轨电车的某些特征。有轨电车的两个车辆段位于Strzyży的Stwosza街旁和Nowy港的Władysława IV街旁。车辆段能容纳所有有轨电车的40%。
Types of vehicles:
Konstal 105Na、
Konstal 105NCh、
Konstal 105NAs
Number编号:34 (17)²
型:Konstal 114Na
型:Konstal NGd99
型:Bombardier NGT6
型:Modertrans Moderus Beta
production:生产于: 1979–1982 modernization:现代化于: 2009, 2015
型:PESA 120Na
型:PESA 128NG
- Wrzeszcz,
- Nowy Port
eveloping Road
The first horsecar line was launched by the Berlin-founded company "Deutsche Pferdeeisenbahn" on 23 June 1873. It ran from Heumarkt (Targ Sienny) through Langfuhr (modern Wrzeszcz) to Oliva,where the first tram depot was built. After a year, the line between Langfuhr and Oliva was suspended due to competition from rail transport.
第一条有轨马车线路是1873年6月23日由柏林公司"Deutsche Pferdeeisenbahn" 开通的。它从Heumarkt (Targ Sienny) 穿过Langfuhr (现代的Wrzeszcz)通往第一个有轨电车车辆段所在的Oliva。一年后,Langfuhr和 Oliva之间的线路由于来自铁路的竞争而暂停。
Danziger Pferdeeisenbahn
After acquiring the company Otto Braunschweig und Oskar Kupferschmidt in 1877, the tramway was expanded:
1877年,在购买了Otto Braunschweig und Oskar Kupferschmidt公司后,有轨马车扩张如下:
• From Centrum to Ohra (modern Orunia) (1878)
• 从Centrum到Ohra (现代的Orunia) (1878)。
• From Kohlenmarkt (modern Targ Węglowy), through Langgasse (ulica Długa), Langer Markt (Długi Targ), and Langgarten (modern Długie Ogrody), to Langgarter Tor (modern Brama Żuławska) and Niederstadt (modern Dolne Miasto) (1883)
• 从Kohlenmarkt (现代的Targ Węglowy), 穿过 Langgasse (ulica Długa), Langer Markt (Długi Targ), 和Langgarten (现代的Długie Ogrody), 通往Langgarter Tor (现代的Brama Żuławska)和Niederstadt (现代的Dolne Miasto) (1883)
• From the train station Danzig Petershagen by present-day ulica Toruńska, through Rechtsstadt (modern Główne Miasto), to Fischmarkt (modern Targ Rybny) (1886)
• 从现在的Toruńska街旁的Danzig Petershagen火车站,穿过Rechtsstadt (现代的Główne Miasto), 通往Fischmarkt (现代的Targ Rybny) (1886)
• From Centrum to Schidlitz (modern Siedlce) (1886)
• 从Centrum通往 Schidlitz (现代的Siedlce) (1886)
Introduction of electric trams:有轨电车的引入
In 1894, the Berlin-founded company AEG acquired "Danziger Strassen Eisenbahn". Subsequently, the company decided to electrify the tramway network. The first regular electric trams were launched on 12 August 1896 on the lines to Orhra and Schidlitz. The first electric tram to Langfuhr was delayed until 28 August 1986 due to problems with infrastructure. All horsecar lines were electrified by the end of the year, and the network was expanded to link the new Main station with Kohlenmarkt. As well, the line from Fischmarkt was expanded to Stadtgraben (Podwale Grodzkie). After all tracks were electrified, AEG conferred the tramway network to the administration of "Allgemeine Strassen und Eisenbahn Gesellschaft”.
1894年,柏林公司AEG购买了"Danziger Strassen Eisenbahn”。随后,公司决定将有轨马车网络电气化。1896年8月12日,第一批常规运营的有轨电车在通往Orhra和Schidlitz的线路上投入使用。由于基础设施的问题,通往Langfuhr的第一辆有轨电车一直延误到1986年8月28日。在年底,所有的有轨马车线路都完成了电气化,网络扩张到将新的火车总站与Kohlenmarkt相连。同时,来自Fischmarkt的线路延伸到Stadtgraben (Podwale Grodzkie)。所有的线路都电气化以后,AEG将有轨电车网络交给"Allgemeine Strassen und Eisenbahn Gesellschaft”管理。
In 1899 in Neufahrwasser (Nowy Port), a new tramway company was created called "Danziger Elektrische Strassenbahn". In 1900, it opened two lines from Langfuhr to Brösen (modern Brzeźno) and from Brösen through Neufagrwasser to Schichau shipyard. The line headed towards the city center was later expanded to Kassubischer Markt, and subsequently through Pfefferstadt to ulica Szeroka up to the Żuraw. This company had a tram depot near Fischmeisterweg. In 1903, both aforementioned businesses merged to form "Danziger Elektrische Strassenbahn A.G.", headquartered in Langfuhr. In 1904, tracks were built on the Irrgartenbrücke (Błędnik viaduct), linking the tracks on Grosse Allee (Wielka Aleja) with the tracks on Stadtgraben (Podwale Grodzkie). On 18 July 1908, the line from Am Markt (Oliva, modern Stary Rynek Oliwski) through ulica Pomorska to Glettkau (Jelitkowo) was launched.
1899年在Nowy港,成立了一个叫做"Danziger Elektrische Strassenbahn”的新的有轨电车公司。1900年,它开通了两条线路:从Langfuhr 到 Brösen (现代的 Brzeźno) ;从Brösen穿过Neufagrwasser到Schichau shipyard。线路通向市中心,后来延伸到Kassubischer市场,随后穿过Pfefferstadt到达Szeroka街通往Żuraw。这个公司在Fischmeisterweg附近有一个车辆段。1903年,前面提到的两家公司合并成立了"Danziger Elektrische Strassenbahn A.G.”,总部位于Langfuhr。
1904年,在Irrgartenbrücke (Błędnik高架桥)上铺设了轨道,将Grosse Allee (Wielka 大道) 上的轨道与Stadtgraben (Podwale Grodzkie)上的轨道相连。1908年7月18日,从 Am市场(Oliva, 现代的Stary Rynek Oliwski) 穿过Pomorska街到达Glettkau (Jelitkowo)的线路开通。
Trams on Danzig's Langer Markt (1906)格但斯克兰格市场的有轨电车,1906年
Trams during World War I:一战期间的有轨电车
On 1 May 1914, the lines were numbered, replacing the signs marking the terminuses. In February 1917, a lack of coal and spare parts began to cause failures and derailments. A crisis set in in January 1918, and several lines were suspended.
Trams in the Free City of Danzig:自由之城但泽(1920年—1939年的格但斯克称为但泽自由市)的有轨电车
Towards the end of 1919, the suspended lines began to be reinstated, and the numbering of some lines was changed.Lines from Promenade were redirected to Stadtgraben, after which the lines to Promenade were scrapped.
In 1925, the construction of a line from Centrum to Heubude (modern Stogi) began; it was opened on 4 July 1927.
In 1926, tracks on the newly established Paul-Beneke-Weg were opened, scrapping the single rail along Harbour quay. At the time in Neufahrwasser, two balloon loops were constructed; a small loop for the line from Centrum and a larger loop for the line from Brösen.
In 1930, a new line from Grosse Allee across Aleja Hallera and ulica Mickiewicza to the loop at the intersection of aleja Legionów and ulica Kościuszki. On the line between Langfuhr and Oliva, the layout was changed, eliminating the line on ulica Szymanowskiego, building it instead on aleja Wojska Polskiego. Construction began for a new tram depot in Langfuhr.
1925年,开始建设从Centrum通往Heubude (现代的Stogi) 的线路;这条线路于1927年7月4日开通。
1930年,一条新线路从Grosse Allee穿过Hallera大道和Mickiewicza街到达 Legionów大道和Kościuszki街的交叉口的回路。在Langfuhr和Oliva之间的线路上,布局改变了,取消了Szymanowskiego街上的线路,改为修建在Wojska Polskiego大道上,并开始在Langfuhr修建一个新的有轨电车车辆段。
In 1934, pantographs were installed, except on the lines to Schidlitz and Ohra. Plans to extend the line to Bürgerwiesen (Rudnik) were scrapped. In 1935, a new tram depot by ulica Stworsza was built, and the tram depot near Mirchauer Weg was converted into a bus depot.
1934年,除了通往 Schidlitz和Ohra的线路,有轨电车安装了受电弓。将线路延伸到Bürgerwiesen (Rudnik)的计划被取消了。1935年,在Stworsza街旁边修建了的一个新的有轨电车车辆段,Mirchauer Weg附近的一个有轨电车车辆段转变成一个公共汽车车辆段。
In 1942, it was planned to eliminate the tram line from Centrum to Schidlitz to replace them with trolleybus lines. However, these plans were never realized. The tramway network functioned normally until 24 March 1945. As a result of shelling from the Soviet army, the powerhouses on Ołowianka were unable to supply adequate power, causing some trams to stop on the streets. During street battles, the tram wagons were used as barricades.
Remains of a tram (1946)/一辆有轨电车的遗骸,1946年
Renovation after 1945:1945年后的革新
By the end of the Second World War, the tramway powering systems were destroyed, the tracks were seriously damaged from artillery fire, and no tram wagon remained usable. Immediately after the end of military activities in April 1945, the tramway infrastructure began to be rebuilt. As an initiative from the local management board, the Miejski Zakład Komunikacyjny w Gdańsku was formed. Teams of tramway workers from Poznań, Warsaw, and Łódź worked with the tramway workers from Gdańsk to secure and inventory the salvageable materials. Trams and their components were taken from the tram depot in Wrzeszcz, which largely stayed intact. The tram depot by ulica Łąkowa lost its roof from both halls as well as the workshop. On 28 June 1945, rebuilding work for the tramway network recommenced. The repairs were completed in 1947. Almost all lines existing before their destruction were rebuilt. The eliminated tracks were on ulica Szeroka, ulica Kowalska, and ulica Korzenna, as well as a technical track on Stare Przedmieście. A new line to Sopot was launched in 1946.
在二战快结束时,有轨电车的供电系统被破坏,轨道受到炮火的严重损坏,没有车辆还可以使用。1945年4月战事刚结束不久,有轨电车基础设施就开始重建。作为来自当地管理委员会的倡议,成立了Miejski Zakład Komunikacyjny w Gdańsku 。来自波兹南,华沙和Łódź的有轨电车工人团队和格但斯克的有轨电车工人一起保护和清点可挽救的材料。有轨电车和它们的零件来自Wrzeszcz的有轨电车车辆段,其大部分均完好无损。Łąkowa街旁边的有轨电车车辆段的大厅和车间的房顶都没了。
1945年6月28日,有轨电车网络的重建工作开始。修理工作在1947年结束。几乎遭到破坏前存在的所有线路都重建了。淘汰的轨道位于 Szeroka街, Kowalska街, 和Korzenna街,还有在Stare Przedmieście的一段技术轨道。1946年,通往索波特的一条新线路开通了。
After the war, tracks located in the densely built city center were eliminated in accordance with the ideology that trams should only run along major thoroughfares.
As a result of the construction of national road 1, new wide streets and tram tracks were built. In 1948 in Oliwa, a new loop was opened near the intersection of aleja Grunwaldzka and ulica Rybińskiego, obviating the loop on Stary Rynek Oliwski. On 1 January 1951, a new company was founded named Wojewódzkie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjne Gdańsk-Gdynia (WPK G-G).
由于1号国道的修建,建成了新的宽阔的道路和有轨电车轨道。1948年在Oliwa,在Grunwaldzka大道和Rybińskiego街的交叉路口开通了一个新的转向回路,取消了在Stary Rynek Oliwski的转向回路。1951年1月1日,一家名为Wojewódzkie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjne Gdańsk-Gdynia (WPK G-G)的新公司成立了。
In 1955, a nightly tramway service was launched. In 1957, the line to Siedlce along ulica Świerczewskiego was made double track. The loop on ulica Bogusławskiego was eliminated, directing the tram from Orunia to the loop on Targ Węglowy instead. A new line was established from ulica Mickiewicza through aleja Marksa to the loop near ulica Kolonia Uroda. In 1960, the track from Kolonia Uroda was extended to Brzeźno, simultaneously eliminating the tracks on ulica Chrobrego and Waryńskiego. The tram ending on ulica Waryńskiego was directed to the loop near the then-airport. In 1961, the line to Sopot was eliminated due to competition from Szybka Koleja Miejska.
1955年,开通了一条夜间有轨电车服务线路。1957年,沿着Świerczewskiego街通往Siedlce的线路建成了双轨。Bogusławskiego街上的回路取消了,转而将来自Orunia的有轨电车引向Targ Węglowy上的回路。开通了一条从Mickiewicza 街穿过Marksa大道通往Kolonia Uroda街附近回路的新线路。
1960年,来自Kolonia Uroda的轨道延伸到Brzeźno,同时取消了Chrobrego和Waryńskiego街上的轨道。终止在Waryńskiego街的有轨电车开向那时的机场附近的回路。1961年,由于来自Szybka Koleja Miejska铁路的竞争,通往Sopot的线路取消了。
In 1974, WPK G-G was renamed to Wojewódzkie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjne w Gdańsku (WPK). In 1974, after the airport in Rębiechowo was opened, construction began for a new line from the loop by ulica Kościuszki to ulica Pomorska in Jelitkowo, during which a large loop was constructed in the Zaspa district. The line was opened on 31 December 1977.
1974年,WPK G-G改名为Wojewódzkie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjne w Gdańsku (WPK)。格但斯克瓦文萨机场启用后,一条从Kościuszki街的回路通往Jelitkowo的Pomorska街的新线路开始建设,这期间在Zaspa地区修建了一条大型回路。这条线路在1977年12月31日开通。
After 1989:1989年后
In 1989, the company WPK was split, and the counterpart established for Gdańsk was Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacji Miejskiej, which turned into Gdańsk's budget committee in 1991 under the name of Zakład Komunikacji Miejskiej w Gdańsku (Gdańsk ZKM).
1989年,WPK公司分立,为格但斯克设立的相应部分为Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacji Miejskiej,并在1991年以 Zakład Komunikacji Miejskiej w Gdańsku (Gdańsk ZKM)的名字转变为格但斯克的预算委员会。
In 1997, the Gdańsk ZKM bought two prototype Konstal 114Na vehicles, which featured 15% lower floors. In 1999, the Gdańsk ZKM ordered four Alstrom-Konstal Citadis 100 trams, which featured 70% lower floors. These trams were allocated to line 2 (Centrum-Opera-Zaspa-Jelitkowo).
1997年,ZKM购买了两辆15%低地板的Konstal 114Na样车。1999年,ZKM订购了4辆70%低地板的Alstrom-Konstal Citadis 100有轨电车。这些有轨电车被分配到2号线(Centrum-Opera-Zaspa-Jelitkowo) 。
In 2004, the Gdańsk ZKM was converted into from a budget committee to a limited liability company. In the same year, a multiple-stage modernization project of the tramway network called Gdański Projekt Komunikacji Miejskiej was launched.
2004年,ZKM从预算委员会转型为有限责任公司。同年,一个名为Gdański Projekt Komunikacji Miejskiej的有轨电车网络的一个多阶段现代化方案开始实施。
As a result of the modernization project, construction of the line to Chełm began along aleja Armii Krajowej and aleja Sikorskiego. On 19 December 2007, the line was opened for service. Because the grade of this line was up to 5%, the Konstal 105Na and Konstal 114Na trams could not be used for this line.For the purposes of servicing the Chełm line, 3 Bombardier NGT6 trams were ordered. Because the Konstal 105Na trams were worsening in condition, the Gdańsk ZKM purchased 46 used N8C trams from Dortmund.
In 2009, as a part of the tramway modernization project, a bid was called for 35 one-directional, low-floored, multibody trams from 30 to 35 meters long with a capacity of at least 220 persons. Pesa Bydgoszcz won the call and provided 35 Swing 120NaG trams by the end of 2011.
作为现代化方案的结果,沿着Armii Krajowej街和Sikorskiego街通往Chełm的线路开始建设,并于2007年12月19日开通运营。因为这条线路的坡度达到5%,Konstal 105Na和Konstal 114Na有轨电车不能用于这条线路。为了服务Chełm线路,订购了3辆Bombardier NGT6有轨电车。因为Konstal 105Na有轨电车的状况正变得更加糟糕,ZKM从德国多特蒙德购买了46辆二手N8C有轨电车。2009年,作为有轨电车网络现代化方案的一部分,就35辆单向,低地板,多模块,长30-35米,载客量至少220人的有轨电车进行了招标。Pesa Bydgoszcz中标,并在2011年底提供了35辆Swing 120NaG有轨电车。
In May 2010, the renovation and modernization of the tram depot in Wrzeszcz commenced. Because modern trams contain their electrical apparatuses atop their roofs, rather than below the floors, a special system of lifts and platforms was established. A sub-track lathe was installed, allowing all the wheels on a tram to be profiled within two hours without necessitating their removal, and a professional cleaning facility was created.A specialized crane was ordered for the purposes of moving trams across tracks, among other things. More tracks were built and the junctions were renovated. About 30 million z
was allocated for this project.During the renovation of the tracks in Siedlce, Zaspa, and
in 2010, the tracks near tram stops were covered in plates or concrete to maintain their cleanliness
the smoother surface is easier to clean.
2010年5月,Wrzeszcz的有轨电车车辆段的革新和现代化改造开始。因为现代有轨电车在车顶承载其电气化设备,而不是在地板底下,所以设立了一套特殊的升降系统和月台。安装了亚轨道车床,使得一辆有轨电车上的所有车轮在两个小时之内在无需将其拆下的情况下得到镟修,并且设计了一套专业清洁设施。除其他事项外,还订购了一辆特殊的起重机,以便在轨道间移动有轨电车。修建了更多的轨道,交叉路口也进行了改造。为这个项目拨款了大约3,000万波兰兹罗提。在2010年对Siedlce, Zaspa, 和Przymorze 的轨道的改造中,靠近有轨电车车站的轨道被覆盖上护板或者水泥以便于保持整洁——光滑的表面更易于清洁。
For New Year's Day 2009-2010, a nightly service was launched for the first time, servicing Chełm – Opera – Zaspa – Oliwa – Wrzeszcz – Opera – Chełm. The current counterpart (Łostowice Świętokrzyska – Chełm – Dworzec Główny – Opera – Zaspa – Oliwa; return via Wrzeszcz) is launched for various festivities (such as "Half price for the weekend," "Museum night," "New Year's") as well as for weekends in summertime.
为2009-2010年元旦,首次开通了一条夜间服务线路,服务的路线为:Chełm – Opera – Zaspa – Oliwa – Wrzeszcz – Opera – Chełm。现在的相应线路(Łostowice Świętokrzyska – Chełm – Dworzec Główny – Opera – Zaspa – Oliwa; 经过Wrzeszcz返回)为各种庆祝活动而运营(比如“周末半价”,“博物馆之夜”,“元旦”),同时在夏天的周末运营。
In 2011, automatic ticket machines began to be installed, making it possible to sell one-time tickets and long-term tickets. The ticket machines were placed near the main stations, transfer points, and on most terminuses.
On 12 May 2012, the track to Chełm was expanded to Łostowice and Orunia Górna via Ujeścisko. A transfer terminal (Łostowice Świętokrzyska) was established between Łostowice and Orunia Górna, with room for 150 cars and a bike park.
2012年5月12日,通往Chełm的轨道经过Ujeścisko延伸到Łostowice和Orunia Górna。在 Łostowice和Orunia Górna之间设立了一个中转站(Łostowice Świętokrzyska),拥有150个车位和一个自行车停车场。
On 6 September 2013, a bid was called for the construction of a tram line to PKM Brętowo via Piecki-Migowo. The call for bids was won by MTM (the contractor for the line to Chełm, Orunia Górna, and Łostowice) and Rajbud, which offered an investment of 116.3 million zł. The contract for the implementation of the investment was signed on 12 November 2013, and construction work began. The first tram on the line is expected to run in September 2015.
2013年9月6日,就经过Piecki-Migowo通往PKM Brętowo的有轨电车线路进行了招标。中标者为MTM(通往Chełm, Orunia Górna, 和 Łostowice线路的承包商)和Rajbud,它提供了11,630万波兰兹罗提的投资。投资合同在2013年11月12日签署,并开始施工。第一辆有轨电车预计在2015年9月上线。