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  • 标签化管理网页链接
I am trying to develop a simple application to print different kind of documents.
I am using winspool api. My problem is, document is added in printer queue and its showing status printing. but its not printing. WritePrinter returning true but its not printing. i am stuck in this.
any help will appreciated, anyone has idea to find errors and any correct my code.
beside this i can use other way also (but don't want to use Process or ProcessInfo class). I want to print silently from my application.
What I have tried:
[ StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)] public class DOCINFOA [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] public string pDocName; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] public string pOutputFile; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] public string pDataType; [DllImport(winspool.drv, CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true )] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern Boolean SetDefaultPrinter( String name); [DllImport(winspool.Drv, EntryPoint = OpenPrinterA, SetLastError = true , CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, ExactSpelling = true , CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)] public static extern bool OpenPrinter([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string szPrinter, out IntPtr hPrinter, IntPtr pd); [DllImport(winspool.Drv, EntryPoint = ClosePrinter, SetLastError = true , ExactSpelling = true , CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)] public static extern bool ClosePrinter( IntPtr hPrinter); [DllImport(winspool.Drv, EntryPoint = StartDocPrinterA, SetLastError = true , CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, ExactSpelling = true , CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)] public static extern bool StartDocPrinter( IntPtr hPrinter, Int32 level, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)] DOCINFOA di); [DllImport(winspool.Drv, EntryPoint = EndDocPrinter, SetLastError = true , ExactSpelling = true , CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)] public static extern bool EndDocPrinter( IntPtr hPrinter); [DllImport(winspool.Drv, EntryPoint = StartPagePrinter, SetLastError = true , ExactSpelling = true , CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)] public static extern bool StartPagePrinter( IntPtr hPrinter); [DllImport(winspool.Drv, EntryPoint = EndPagePrinter, SetLastError = true , ExactSpelling = true , CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)] public static extern bool EndPagePrinter( IntPtr hPrinter); [DllImport(winspool.Drv, EntryPoint = WritePrinter, SetLastError = true , ExactSpelling = true , CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)] public static extern bool WritePrinter( IntPtr hPrinter, IntPtr pBytes, Int32 dwCount, out Int32 dwWritten); public static bool SendBytesToPrinter( string szPrinterName, IntPtr pBytes, Int32 dwCount) Int32 dwError = 0 , dwWritten = 0 ; IntPtr hPrinter = new IntPtr ( 0 ); DOCINFOA di = new DOCINFOA(); bool bSuccess = false ; // Assume failure unless you specifically succeed. di.pDocName = " Document" ; di.pDataType = " RAW" ; // Open the printer. if (OpenPrinter(szPrinterName.Normalize(), out hPrinter, IntPtr .Zero)) if (hPrinter.ToInt32() == 0 ) return false ; // Printer not found!! // Start a document. if (StartDocPrinter(hPrinter, 1 , di)) // Start a page. if (StartPagePrinter(hPrinter)) // Write your bytes. bSuccess = WritePrinter(hPrinter, pBytes, dwCount, out dwWritten); EndPagePrinter(hPrinter); EndDocPrinter(hPrinter); ClosePrinter(hPrinter); // If you did not succeed, GetLastError may give more information // about why not. if (bSuccess == false ) dwError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); return bSuccess; public static bool SendFileToPrinter( string szPrinterName, string szFileName) bool bSuccess = false ; // Open the file. FileStream fs = new FileStream(szFileName, FileMode.Open); // Create a BinaryReader on the file. BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs); // Dim an array of bytes big enough to hold the file's contents. Byte[] bytes = new Byte[fs.Length]; // Your unmanaged pointer. IntPtr pUnmanagedBytes = new IntPtr ( 0 ); int nLength; nLength = Convert.ToInt32(fs.Length); // Read the contents of the file into the array. bytes = br.ReadBytes(nLength); // Allocate some unmanaged memory for those bytes. pUnmanagedBytes = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(nLength); // Copy the managed byte array into the unmanaged array. Marshal.Copy(bytes, 0 , pUnmanagedBytes, nLength); // Send the unmanaged bytes to the printer. bSuccess = SendBytesToPrinter(szPrinterName, pUnmanagedBytes, nLength); // PrintText(szPrinterName, pUnmanagedBytes, nLength); // Free the unmanaged memory that you allocated earlier. Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(pUnmanagedBytes); br.Close(); fs.Close(); catch (Exception ex) { string s = ex.Message.ToString(); } return bSuccess;
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