RStudio 改名 Posit,为了体现对 Python 和 VS code 社区的支持
Today we are very excited to announce that RStudio has a new name: Posit. This is a big change, and below we’ll talk about exactly why we are doing this and what it means. But first—why Posit? Posit is areal word(opens in a new tab)that means to put forth an idea for discussion. Data scientists spend much of their day positing claims that they then evaluate with data. When considering a new name for the company we wanted something that reflects both the work our community engages in (testing hypotheses!) as well as the scientific aspiration to build ever- greater levels of knowledge and understanding.
What does the new name mean for our commercial software? In many ways, nothing: our commercial products have supported Python for over 2 years. But we will rename them to Posit Connect, Posit Workbench, and Posit Package Manager so it’s easier for folks to understand that we support more than just R. What about our open source software? Similarly, not much is changing: our open source software is and will continue to be predominantly for R. That said, over the past few years we’ve already been investing in other languages like reticulate (calling Python from R), Python features for the IDE, and support for Python and Julia within Quarto. You can expect to see more multilanguage experiments in the future.
近日,RStudio 在华盛顿特区举行的公司年度用户大会上宣布,将公司名称改为 Posit,表明其将关注点从 R 扩展到 Python 和 Visual Studio Code 用户的决心。
Posit 这个名字来自于英语单词 Posit,意思是提出一种想法或理论。 Posit 公司在一篇博文中写道 :“数据科学家每天都会花很多时间提出假设断言,然后用数据进行评估。”
RStudio 多年来一直强调其商业产品同时支持 R 和 Python,然而,“RStudio” 品牌中的“R” 使得天然地将更广大的 Python 用户群体拒之千里。
RStudio 的首席科学家 Hadley Wickham 在今天的公告发布前说道 :“ RStudio 这个名字已经越来越让人感到拘束。”
然而,Wickham 和 RStudio 创始人兼首席执行官 J.J. Allaire 都强调,公司改名并不意味着 R 的改变,也不意味着 Python 正在以某种方式取代 R 在数据科学领域的地位。Wickham 说 :“ 我们不会从 R 转向 Python。我会学习 Python,但我不会停写 R 代码。”
相反,J.J. Allaire 表示他们已经找到了一种可持续的新型兼容模式,从而利用相关商业产品的收入为开源软件提供可靠的资金供给,而不会单纯地不惜一切代价以实现利润增长”,奥莱尔告诉与会者,后者可能会导致公司偏离最初的使命。
“我认为这会为 Posit 提供一个更广泛推动科学实践的机会,” J.J. Allaire 说。