难过的领结 · InMemoryDbContextOptio ...· 11 月前 · |
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1 年前 |
难过的领结 · InMemoryDbContextOptionsExtensions.UseInMemoryDatabase 方法 (Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore) | Microsoft Learn 11 月前 |
In Visualforce, the way ids should be accessed is little different.
Try the below code and see.
Tried it, but the value is "undefined", however, the $Component reference is valid (checked through JS aler() function)
This should work.
Can you post your VF page code, so that i can see?
When I try the code above, nothing works. However, pasting the rendered part of location.replace.... in the console of Chrome it *does* redirect. Clicking the button does nothing at all
Here is the VF "as is stands"